




A warm welcome awaits you

at the Churches of

Fort Augustus and Glengarry




Services every Sunday


10am Family Service

at Glengarry Parish Church


12pm Family Service

at Fort Augustus Parish Church




The ever popular ‘Thursday Cafe’ continues each week day Thursday from 10am to 11.30pm at Fort Augustus Church Hall. Teas/Coffees, baking

and friendship made! A ‘warm hub’ for all

Everyone welcome!






The ‘Craic’ is coming back!

DIARY DATES 2024/2025

The next dates for the friends of Glengarry Church and Invergarry community at Invergarry Community Hall

Why not come along for lunch and make new friends?

Wednesday 6th November at 12pm and Wednesday 20th November

There will be ‘Carols at the Craic’ at a special festive lunch

on Wednesday 18th December at 12pm

with carols sung by the children from Invergarry Primary School

at Invergarry Community Hall

New Tear ‘Craic’ lunches on Wednesdays 8th and 22nd January, 5th and 19th February, 5th and 19th March

all meeting at 12pm at Invergarry Community Hall





Thanks to everyone who donated and supported the recent


All non perishable goods donated were given to the Lochaber Foodbank at Fort William




Thanks to everyone who donated food at the recent Harvest Thanksgiving

The goods were gratefully received by the

Fort Augustus ‘Larder’ Project





‘We Plough the Fields and Scatter’



Fort Augustus Parish Church


Kilchuimen Primary School

at their

Harvest Celebration

Wednesday 2nd October


Donations of food were made to the Fort Augustus ‘Larder Project’ by the congregation of the Church and the children of Kilchuimen Primary School. Thanks to everyone.


Glengarry Parish Church


Invergarry Primary School

at their

Harvest Celebration

Thursday 3rd October




A happy day was shared by Steve and Deborah Barrett as they celebrated 25 years of marriage recently by renewing their vows at Fort Augustus Parish Church. Steve and Deborah were married at the church by Rev Moses Donaldson in 1999.

Pictured together are Steve and Deborah Barrett and Rev Anthony who conducted the ceremony.




The communities of Fort Augustus and Glengarry Parish Churches had reason to celebrate recently. A newly installed WiFi facility at Fort Augustus will give ready access on site to help the community  with live streaming not only regular worship and other social occasions but, special services like baptisms, weddings and funerals. In addition, as we move into the future, we are in gear for the business use of WiFi for meetings. 
We had a ‘trial run’ recently when, we formed a ‘Hub’ with elders from Glengarry and Fort Augustus for the first time for a special ‘Hub’ Presbytery meeting of the newly formed Cleir Eilean I (Presbytery of the Highlands and Islands). We have been working together on this project individually and as a team on the Kirk Session for two years. A great deal of time and effort has been given to improving our mission for outreach It is great to see the fruition of all our work accomplished. We are also very grateful to Paul Silvester (Aonach Mor) for helping us with our efforts.
Pictured are: Rev Anthony Jones, Catherine Fraser, Jenny Thurston, Lorraine Martin, Cherry Duncan and Cameron Donnelly








Heads were up for the Summer Sing! Kathryn Sharples, organist at Fort Augustus Parish Church played and led the Kilchuimen Community Choir at the Church Hall in Fort Augustus on Wednesday 12th June. The audience was treated to a versatile programme of music that ranged from classical, popular and religious with songs in four different languages including Gaelic, Welsh, Latin and Italian. .

The 17 strong choir members both male and female enjoy singing ‘for fun’ and, anyone interested in joining is welcome to come along on Wednesday evenings (term time) at 7pm to the choir practise in the Church Hall. 


Kathryn Sharples leads the Kilchuimen Community Choir




Fort Augustus Church Hall

A Big Thanks to everyone for coming!

The Church Hall was full by 3 o’clock and the tea raised over £200

and rising – donations still coming in!

Donations in aid of Fort Augustus Parish Church









On Friday 31st May, Fort Augustus community gathered for a multi talented Ceilidh and Social Evening at Fort Augustus Parish Church of Scotland Hall. The evening was introduced by Jill Skeoch who also gave the vote of thanks and was compered by Kathryn Sharples. The highlights included music by Carys Jones, the Minister’s daughter who played ‘Rosslyn Castle‘ on the clarsach. Phil Mansell also sang and played guitar with a a selection from his repertoire of over 300 songs including ‘Caledonia‘. An augmented community choir which included Leslie Thurnell, Ani Demorava and Caroline Macpherson led by Kathryn Sharples sang a Madrigal and ‘The Oak and The Ash‘. Leslie Thurnell also sang two solos ‘My Johnny was a Shoemaker’ and an Irish ballad. Jane Patten read ‘An Historical Letter (‘His Reverance’) from the 1700’s by a Minister’s wife from Laggan. Poetry was recited by Lorraine Martin by Charles Grey, Katie Aitken read ‘The Listeners’ and ‘Only a Dad’ Graham Biggs and Jane Patten shared ‘Fern Hill’ by Dylan Thomas, Bill McWhirter read Robert Burns and, the Minister Reverend Anthony Jones shared some of his own published poetry which included the iconic tone poem ‘Warrior’s Field’ and ‘Wales, My Wales’. The evening closed with an encore of young Carys Jones playing ‘Lament for a Blind Harper’ on the clarsach. In the intermission the audience was treated to refreshments including a tasty selection of light bites and cake. The evening helped to raise valuable funds for the Church and donations are still being welcomed and  received. Thank you again to everyone who took part and for coming along to support such a worthy cause. 





New life breathed in to the Church of Scotland as father and son celebrated together with the church family the birthday of the Church at Pentecost. Bartholomew (Barty) Jones was confirmed by his father Rev Anthony Jones and welcomed and admitted to Holy Communion by the Elders of the Kirk Session and the congregation at Fort Augustus. Barty made public profession of faith at the special service which included sharing in family Communion.






Pictured are Simon and Bobbie Everson who celebrated 30 years of marriage at Fort Augustus Parish Church recently. The couple renewed their vows together at a special meaningful service of Blessing to give thanks for their union in matrimony.










On Sunday 7th April, the community of Invergarry had reason to celebrate a happy occasion. A year after making their wedding vows Andy and Ann O’Hare joined together again with family and friends at Glengarry Church to celebrate the baptism of Neil John.  Pictured are proud parents with baby Neil John and at the baptism with his godparent. The service was conducted by Rev Anthony Jones. Everyone shared in a baptismal tea at Invergarry Community Hall following the service.   








Friday 22nd March

Kilchuimen Primary School Easter Celebration at Fort Augustus Church



Wednesday 27th March

Invergarry Primary School Easter Celebration at Glengarry Church









Holy Week and Easter was a very busy time in the Great Glen Churches. The week began on Palm Sunday with services at Glengarry Church and Fort Augustus Church. On Maundy Thursday a reflective service with informal communion was held at Glengarry Church. Good Friday brought 'At the Foot of the Cross' A meditative service keeping vigil and reflecting on the Passion, the last hours of Jesus at Fort Augustus Church. The week ended in joyful celebration on Easter Sundaywith a ffamily service at Glengarry Church with Holy Communion. This was followed by egg rolling fun outside the church. A family Service was held at Fort Augustus Church with Holy Communion. The congregation joined in a family egg hunt following the service.




The last Craic gathering at Invergarry Community Hall. Over the Winter months it has been good to welcome staff and pupils from Invergarry Primary School who lunched with members of the church and residents of the area. The regular Wednesday community event not only provides a light lunch but, this time fun games were brought in to play by the school children. We look forward to seeing you all again next season!



“I beg you, bear with one another in love”

World Day of Prayer 2024 Palestine

Every year church communities all over the world hold services to pray for a particular country. The World Day of Prayer Service this year was planned last year and the country chosen was Palestine. Thank you to everyone who came along to support, reflect and pray for Palestine. The ecumenical service was shared by friends from the Church of Scotland, Catholic Church, Free Church and those who have no particular affiliation in the communities of Fort Augustus, Invergarry and the Great Glen area.











Could 2025 be THE year for YOU?

Maybe you are attending church but have never quite made the big step or perhaps you feel yourself on the edge of the local church and seriously would like to consider joining and becoming a member……

 Confirmation 2025

The Minister is now inviting friends to join in  becoming full communicant members of the Church of Scotland at Fort Augustus and Glengarry. .

Please contact him for more information (tel: 01320 366210) or simply email at Ajones@churchofscotland.org.uk  or, speak to the Session Clerk or any elder at church if, you feel you would like to take this important step in your life of faith.



Why not consider booking your wedding at the beautiful churches of Fort Augustus or Glengarry in 2025? The Minister will be happy to plan forward and discuss your date. You may have been thinking about marrying next year. Weddings are already being booked in the church diary for later in 2024. We invite you to consider planning your marriage and to  sharing your big day together with us in 2025. Please do contact the Minister to arrange a suitable time for your special day.

Contact: Rev Anthony Jones

tel: 01320 366210



Wedding Blessings and Renewal of Marriage Vows

Every year to celebrate and recommit themselves to promises made long ago, couples throughout the country decide to renew their marriage vows and/or, seek a blessing. Often this is on a special wedding anniversary. It can also be a feeling of pilgrimage that leads them back to their roots or, the place they were married. We welcome enquiries if you are considering reliving that special day at Fort Augustus or Glengarry Churches.
Three blessings already booked for 2024/25 at the churches of the Great Glen!  June, 2024
Please contact the Minister for help and more information.

Contact: Rev Anthony Jones

tel: 01320 366210




Please do visit the new y Cleir Eilean l Presbytery website covering the whole of the Highlands for regular up to date news of what is happening in your area. The site is very informative and provides ‘links’

y Clèir Eilean Ì, taken from The Church of Scotland website.
You can also connect to the website and connect to the Facebook group page too for updates and news.





Celebrations at the Great Glen Churches included the Nativity Service with Kilchuimen Primary (pictured above) Kilchuimen Academy Christmas Service at Fort Augustus Church and the Family Service of Lessons and Carols and Christingle on Christmas Eve at Glengarry Church (pictured at the top)






Sunday 12th November, 2023

Remembrance Service

‘They shall not grow old as we who are left grow old,

age shall not weary them nor the years condemn,

at the going down of the sun and, in the morning,

we will remember them’



Act of Remembrance and wreath laying 

at the War Memorial, Canalside, Fort Augustus


‘O God our help in ages past, our hope for years to come, 

our shelter from the stormy blast and our eternal home’






Friday 8th September, 2023




Fort Augustus Parish Church had the great pleasure of hosting the Trollhattan Motet Choir who were touring Scotland on a visit from their Church in Sweden. In an unforgettable night, the church resonated with their beautiful voices which carried in to the community. The church was packed with friends from around the area. The choir was conducted by Mattias Eklund with their visiting organist Stephen Craig. The choral music included works by Thomas Tallis, Saint Saens, William Byrd, Stephen Craig, Mattias Eklund and Anthony Jones. In appreciation and thanks for the kindness and hospitality provided by the church, Rev Jones presented a certificate to Catherine Fraser, Session Clerk, on behalf of the Trollhattan Motet Choir, Sweden.


Pictured are the Trollhattan Motet Choir under their Conductor Mattias Eklund and Rev Anthony Jones presenting the certificate to Catherine Fraser











Wedding bells rang out for Callum Fraser and his bride Fiona MacEachan who were married at Glengarry Church







“All good gifts around us are sent from heaven above

then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord for all his love”



Kilchuimen Primary School Harvest Celebration 2023 at Fort Augustus Church


Invergarry Primary School Harvest Celebration 2023 at Glengarry Church













Glengarry Family Harvest Service

Sunday 1st October, 2023

The service included a service of  Communion

with Confirmation and Admission to Membership of

Iain Stewart who was confirmed as a member

of Glengarry Church of Scotland


Thanks to everyone who so generously donated Harvest gifts of non perishable foods which were gratefully received and donated to the new ‘Larder’ Project in Fort Augustus and the Lochaber Foodbank (Fort William) in Invergarry.
Special thanks to Kilchuimen Primary School parents and children and, Invergarry Primary School parents and children.
Your kindness is greatly appreciated






from Sweden









On Sunday 23rd July, the Great Glen Churches of Fort Augustus and Glengarry gathered in a Service of Celebration and Thanksgiving for Beverley Jones at Glengarry Parish Church. Rev Dr George Whyte conducted the Great Glen Churches Joint Service at Glengarry Parish Church. The church was full with friends from far and wide who gathered to reflect and celebrate her life. Beverley’s favourite hymns were sung by the congregation and led by the organist Ranald MacKenzie and, by Kathryn Sharples,  organist at Fort Augustus Parish Church.  Kathryn led members of the  augmented Kilchuimen Community Choir and congregation in playing as they sang together ‘Come O Love that Lovest All‘ a hymn composed by Rev Anthony.

In his address, Rev Dr George Whyte linked the saying of Jesus (Matthew 19.14) through the different stages of Beverley’s life. She was the perfect companion and wife. A devoted and loyal wife to Anthony and mother to her four children. As a Microbiologist, she had worked at St James’ Hospital (‘Jimmy’s’) at Leeds before meeting Anthony. Beverley always loved the countryside and animals. She said she was really happy in the Loch Ness, Highlands area and, never wished to leave. Both Beverley and Anthony really settled and, the family love the life  in Fort Augustus and Invergarry. Beverley was Convenor of the Guild at Invergarry, a Presbytery Elder and, an Elder of the Church.

The service of Celebration and Thanksgiving was followed by sharing lunch and fellowship at the Invergarry Community Hall









Fort Augustus Parish Church were pleased to welcome Caravane Molitor , a scout group who were visiting the area for a short stay in July from France. The twenty strong group camped in the church grounds and were assisted by four adult scout leaders.  




“Coronation and Commonwealth”


In celebration of the Coronation of King Charles III and, the Commonwealth countries, Glengarry Church held their Flower Festival from 19th to 23rd July. All the displays were created and contributed by the congregation and members of the community in Invergarry. The festival filled the Church with colourful flowers. It was a pleasure to the eyes to see and behold all the imagination that had gone in to the displays. This year’s theme of the Flower Festival was ‘Coronation and Commonwealth‘. Commonwealth countries were represented in the displays. The Union Jack, the flags of all four countries of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth countries were on show in the church. Visitors to the church festival enjoyed tea and luscious home baking. The Flower Festival raised over £1,000 towards Church Funds. A big thank you to everyone and all the visitors and friends who came along and supported the Festival. A gallery of pictures of the Glengarry Flower Festival may be viewed below.










Glengarry Church at 10am

Fort Augustus Church at 12pm





Andrew O’Hare and Linda Stewart were married at Glengarry Parish Church on Sunday 5th April. A crowd of family and friends gathered outside to



greet and congratulate them after the joyful Easter wedding service. Andrew and Linda shared their vows and exchanged rings together on their happy day. The party retired to Invergarry Community Hall for the wedding reception and evening dance. We wish Linda and Andrew many happy years in marriage.





FORT Augustus Parish Church

Remembering Leonard Newton, Auchterawe. At his funeral service on Thursday 16th March, two representatives of the United States Airforce were in attendance. The service began with an airman playing ‘The Last Post’ on the bugle. The United States flag was draped on the coffin and was ceremonially gathered in before being handed to the family. The standard was presented on behalf of the President to the family. The Parish Minister, Reverend Anthony Jones commented “what an honour it is for the family and the church to welcome members of the United States Air Force.” Leonard Newton (‘Rocky’ to his friends) was well known to the local community previously working at ‘The Legion’ in Fort Augustus. He served in the USAF as a Master Sergeant for 25 years.
R.I.P. Leonard (‘Rocky’) Smith








On Sunday 5th February, Fort Augustus Parish Church congregation and friends joined together following the morning service in celebration of the Minister, Reverend Anthony Jones’ birthday. Together with his family pictured centre, are Reverend Anthony, Miles, Carys, Bartholomew (Barty) and Samuel. It was a double celebration as it marked both the anniversary of the Induction of the Minister and his birthday. The delicious menu of the lunch included haggis, chili con carne and scrumptious desserts. Cameron Donnelly gave his well wishes on behalf of the church, Kathryn Sharples made a presentation of a giant birthday greeting card. Graham Biggs and Jane Patten gave a humorous extract of poetry from Robert Graves’ ‘A Welsh Incident’. Reverend Anthony gave a vote of thanks to everyone for their kindness and support and all who helped make such a memorable and happy occasion.




“It is important to remember the past,

it is a place we all return to,

not only in our long ago dreams,

in joy or pain

it is the only place we will all in time belong”


Rev Anthony Jones




“They shall grow not old as we who are left grow old,

Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn,

At the going down of the sun and in the morning,

we will remember them”

(Laurence Binyon)










“We plough the fields and scatter the good seed on the ground but, it is fed and watered by God’s almighty hand”



















Kilchuimen Primary School

Harvest Celebration


All of us remember being told to put our hands up in school if, we knew the answer to the question. At Church recently there was a guessing game for everyone about fruit and vegetables.

Well, “Hands up if you like this fruit?” was one of the questions. Kilchuimen Primary School gathered at Fort Augustus Church for their Harvest Assembly on Friday 23rd September.  A fun time was had by both parents and children at a thought provoking celebration. The children sang Harvest songs, talked about the Harvest season in Scotland and throughout the world and gave a short story about Harvest mice. Yvonne Walker, Depute Head, gave the welcome, David Peers stage managed the readings and music and Reverend Jones with the help of the children provided a short interactive message linking the fruits of the Harvest with sayings from the Bible. We were all reminded of those in need throughout the world and, the importance of sharing what we have with others. There was a very generous donation of food stuffs brought to church from the school which together with that gifted by the congregation at the Harvest Sunday service will be given to the Lochaber Foodbank at Fort William to share with families in need in the area.


Pictured are Harvest gifts of food donated by Fort Augustus Church together with Kilchuimen Primary School to the Lochaber Foodbank, Fort William

Thank You








On Sunday 25th September, Fort Augustus Parish Church held it’s Harvest Festival Service. The church was pleased to celebrate the gift of new life with a christening. In attendance with his parents Ruth and Brian for this very first special occasion was young Calvin James Ferguson.

Calvin was baptised in to the Church of Scotland at the family service and welcomed and, brought into the family of faith. Pictured is baby Calvin as Rev Anthony Jones, his parents and godparents introduced him to the congregation during the customary ‘perambulation’. Calvin’s name will be added to the Roll of names of all those who have been baptised at Fort Augustus Church. 






Glengarry Parish Church held their Harvest Festival Service on Sunday 2nd October. All was ‘safely gathered in’ as the congregation brought their gifts of food to Church to be donated to the Lochaber Foodbank. A full to overflowing wheelbarrow was brought to the front by Miles Jones during the singing of the hymn ‘Come Ye Thankful People Come‘. A traditional Harvest loaf was provided by the owners of the nearby Glengarry Castle Hotel. This was partly broken and shared during the church family celebration of Holy Communion conducted by Reverend Anthony Jones. Everyone joined in sharing tea and home baking following the service. Pictured are Miles with his sister Carys Jones.






Sunday 2nd October, 2022

The Church wishes to thank all those who attended the Church Gift Day and, all those who gave generously to the Church. This includes anonymous donations. The continued work, mission and ministry of the church depends on kindness and sharing. Let us give thanks for the continued witness of the Church in our community and, all the gifts received for this Gift Day. Thanks be to God for his many blessings to us.












At Glengarry Parish Church



On Easter Sunday, 17th April, during worship Glengarry Church was packed as the community came to give their support as Isabella ‘Bel’ Henderson and Philippa Maltby made their vows and were ordained and admitted as Elders to Glengarry Kirk Session by the Parish Minister, Reverend Anthony Jones. We congratulate them and send them our prayers and best wishes in their service as elders to the church. The service concluded with a family celebration of Holy Communion.



at Fort Augustus Parish Church



At the Easter Sunday family service at Fort Augustus Euan Grassie and Anne Mariner made their vows and were admitted as communicant members of the Church of Scotland. The Kirk Session and congregation welcome them both and give them our best wishes. Pictured are Anne and Euan with Rev Anthony Jones, the Parish Minister.











O Happy Day!

Little Bella Mary was so pleased to have Mum and Dad, Jess and Jordan Slater, her godparents and family around her for her special day. She was baptised at Tomdoun Church on Palm Sunday 10th April, 2022, by Reverend Anthony Jones. The little church was full as Bella Mary was welcomed in to the church family on her christening day.











“Beseech the Lord to send out workers in to his harvest”

Matthew 9. 38




The Great Glen churches’ missionary endeavour is reaching out with two Confirmation and Admission services recently conducted by our Parish Minister, Reverend Anthony Jones on Sunday 3rd October. At Morning Family Worship at 10am at Fort Augustus Church, Miles Jones was confirmed. At Glengarry Church at 12pm, Bill and Philippa Maltby, Brenda Matheson and Justin and Elizabeth Perkins were all confirmed as new members. The services also included a special celebration of Holy Communion. Congratulations to them all on their Confirmation and becoming full members of the Church of Scotland. We pray for them that they might be happy and blessed in the family of the church.


Thought for the month

Famous Sayings to meditate upon


“I believe for everyone who goes astray someone will come to show the way. I believe above the storm, the smallest prayer will still be heard. I believe that someone in the great somewhere hears every word. Everytime I hear a new born baby cry, or touch a leaf, or see the sky, then I know why, I believe!”


Al Stillman, Ervin Drake, Irvin Graham and Jimmy Shirl

Songwriters. Composed in 1952.

Most popular version of song by Frankie Laine



Wedding News Gallery




Congratulations to Dr Eoghan Farmer and Dr Mairi Walker whose marriage took place at Fort Augustus Church on Saturday 2nd October, 2021.



Laura Stewart and James Lindsay were married at Glengarry Church on Saturday 20th March, 2021. They both had a lovely day. We are pleased to include  a picture of their special day. 



Little Kyonn Ferguson was glad to have his mum and dad Ruth and Brian surrounded by all his family and friends on his recent Christening day on Sunday 26th September, 2021 at Fort Augustus Church. He is pictured here at his baptism and with his parents





The cafe meets every week at the Church Hall on Thursdays

between 10am and 12pm. 

Everyone welcome.

Teas and coffees will be available.

The teas will be brought to your table.

Contact for information or, if you would like to help at the Thursday cafe

Cath Fraser (tel: 366309) or email her at – cathfraser9@gmail.com

or, Lorraine Martin (tel: 366650) or email her at – lormartin@icloud.com









‘Were you there when they crucified my Lord’

The ‘witness of the flower cross weekend’ was again  repeated from Friday 14th to Sunday 17th April (Easter Sunday) 2022 and, for Eastertide.

The parishioners of Glengarry planted a cross in the grounds of the Parish Church on Good Friday. It remained for the day as a bare symbol to all who passed by – a potent reminder of the death of Jesus Christ. It also  sought to remind us of all those over the course of the past year entered in to suffering, who have suffered or have died as a result of the coronavirus. 

On Easter Saturday, 16th April and Easter Sunday 17th April,  however, in remembrance of the joyful resurrection of Jesus Christ, it was transformed into a beautiful flower cross. It then stood as a living sign of recovery in to new life, healing and promise for the future. Friends of the church were invited to plant their own flowers in to the frame of the cross while remaining socially distanced. 






at Fort Augustus



Sunday 14th November, 2021 was a day of crisp, Autumn sunshine and signalled the annual Act of Remembrance for the fallen in two world wars, past conflicts and all those victims of war still suffering around the globe. Members of the community gathered at Fort Augustus War Memorial and Invergarry War Memorial. The Royal British Legion led the procession to Canalside which included members of the armed forces, the police force, and both the fire and ambulance service. Reverend Anthony Jones, F.R.S.A., Parish Minister conducted the service. The poignant 2 minutes silence was followed by the lament which was played by piper Colin Sidley and wreaths were layed by representatives of the services present and the community. 



“And immediately they left their nets and followed him”

General Assembly of the Church of Scotland 2022

This year’s deliverances and reports may be found on the website pages: churchofscotland.org.uk




Sunday 26th September, 2021







The Great Glen Churches are currently open for worship. No restrictions apply. The Minister continues to receive advice from the Church of Scotland and the Government regarding updates.
Regular services are being held and continue on a weekly basis.


Pastoral Care

Please note hospital visiting is only possible under current guidelines. Please speak to the Minister (tel: 01320 366210) or an elder if there is a special need. Pastoral phone call discussions can always be arranged at a convenient time. If you are ‘on line’ you can keep in touch by email.



Details of all forthcoming services will be found here on the church website pages.




Fort Augustus Parish Church

We welcome you to our services

Every Sunday

Sunday Family Service

at 12pm


Join us for a service with singing, music, bible readings, contemplative prayer, and  a message  for the season.


Enquiries regarding visiting the church for worship please contact: Cath Fraser – cathfraser9@gmail.com




We welcome you to our services

Every Sunday

Sunday Family Service at 10am


Welcome to our church for a shared time in fellowship together. Sunday services include a quiet time for prayer, singing, music and Bible readings and a seasonal message from the Minister.

Enquiries for visiting church for worship please contact: Sonia Robbins (Session Clerk) – soniarobbins06@gmail.com 



Following advice from the Scottish Government the churches are now open to the public. The wearing of face masks is no longer compulsory and worship has recommenced every Sunday. Baptism, Wedding, and Funeral services are now possible at the Great Glen Churches without previous building capacity restriction. Please contact the Minister: Rev Anthony Jones if, in need of assistance – Ajones@churchofscotland.org.uk 



The Great Glen Churches of Fort Augustus and Glengarry are open every Sunday for morning services of worship. We do hope you will join us as we gather together to give thanks and share Bible teaching, music, prayers and sing!

The churches are currently open on week days during daylight hours. On visiting,  please remember to sign the visitors book.  You are welcome to spend a quiet time in reflection or prayer. The congregations and their church buildings are a ‘living’ and vibrant witness of  the presence of Christianity in the communities of the Great Glen for generations. When we gather together every week in these cherished places our faith truly comes alive. We pray you will experience something of the joy and peace of Christ as you continue to walk with Him.


My prayers and best wishes to you all,

Rev Anthony Jones (Parish Minister)






At the present there are still restrictions in place guiding hospital and home visits. The Great Glen Churches are operating ‘post church’. This means that if you are ‘on line’ as a member or adherent you will automatically receive regular newsletters from the Parish Minister. This can include a pastoral message and prayer resources. Most importantly you can be kept abreast of all the latest news regarding anticipated services at the churches. If you have not received a copy of the ‘Minister’s Newsletter’ on line and you would like your email to be added to the regular circular list please send a message to Reverend Anthony who will be pleased to add your details email address at: Ajones@churchofscotland.org.uk . If you are not on line and would like a ‘hard’ copy posted through your door this also can be arranged.

Please contact the Session Clerk if you would like the elders to post you a ‘hard’ copy, Cath Fraser (Fort Augustus) cathfraser9@gmail.com or, Sonia Robbins (Glengarry) soniarobbins06@gmail.com. 







A Notice outside our Church to the Community


“Spirit of God come dwell within me,

open my heart O, Come set me free”


The Moderator of the General Assembly, the Rt Rev Dr Martin Fair has sent a mailing to all Presbytery Clerks, Ministers , OLM’s and Readers recommending that everyone within the Church of Scotland considers finding out more about ‘try praying’. I encourage you to read the materials and use the resources on the ‘try praying‘ website. The information provided by ‘try praying’ recommends a seven day approach with material to help aid you. A structure is always helpful to our prayer life (otherwise it is apt to stray away and life passes us by) in times of worry, anxiety, stress, distraction and misdirection. There are very few organisations committed to upholding the nation’s prayer life. I would urge you to ‘click’ on the site. As the Moderator states, I hope that ‘it may be a blessing to the whole church at this time’.

Rev Anthony Jones








 It is always important to keep in touch with each other. The Church cares for every one of its members, adherents and our friends in the communities of Fort Augustus and Invergarry. 

Among the things we do as a Church is maintain ongoing contact. The Minister is available to talk at any time.  If you are in need of any special help or, in an emergency, you can also ring the Manse or may send an email if, you wish to make an arrangement for him to phone you at a specific time. The Minister and the elders are casting the net wide to strengthen this chain of communication. We are here to listen and to help you. We seek to uphold each other in our thoughts and prayers and by vital communication.


Rev Anthony Jones tel: 01320 366210





Christmas in the Great Glen

Untitled Untitled 1

 Details of all the forthcoming Christmas and New Year services will be found by a ‘click’ on the Diary page of the churches website



Library Pictures 




3rd & 4th JULY, 2019 

Mad Hatter's Presentation Kilchuimen Schools 2019

Pictured is Rev Jones making the presentation at the School Prizegiving Ceremony to Ms Maria Frances Gibbons (Headteacher: Kilchuimen Academy) & Mrs Yvonne Walker (Headteacher: Kilchuimen Primary School)





(for a fuller gallery of the ‘Heroes’ Holiday Club see the slideshow on

the  ‘Great Glen Churches News’ page)



“Praying always”

All churches are spaces for prayer. Fort Augustus Church is developing a new ‘prayer space’ set apart. As you enter the door of the Church building to your left, there is a comfortable seated area for quiet personal reflection at any time during the day. Petitions for specific prayer may be left in the prayer box provided or may be left on the table. A short service is held on the first Thursday of every month at 11.30am to which you are also warmly invited. Please do come along. We are praying for you.

Prayer is the soul’s sincere desire”

During normal times (outside ‘lock down’ restrictions) the Great Glen churches welcome you and are open for worship every Sunday morning and Tomdoun monthly. Fort Augustus church is open during the day all year round to visitors. Week day morning service is held on the second Thursday of every month at 11.30am. Glengarry church is open daily during the Summer months. Please remember that the churches of the Great Glen are beautiful churches and are very special places of prayer cherished by the local communities and by all who come here from all over the world. Do come and experience for yourself the unique atmosphere of peace and tranquility that are to be found here at Fort Augustus and Glengarry churches. You may wish to spend some time quietly or offer a private prayer. At Fort Augustus there is a place set aside for private reflection in the ‘prayer corner’. There is also a prayer box for you to place any special petitions you may have into at the back of the church. Take time also to sign the visitors book in the churches before you leave.

Church Services

Service times alternate between both congregations and change every 4 months:

January – April 2019 Fort Augustus (10 am) Invergarry (12 noon)

May – August 2019 Fort Augustus (12 noon) Invergarry (10am)

September – December 2019 Fort Augustus (10am) Invergarry (12 noon)

Service at Tomdoun: second Sunday of each month at 3pm

Monthly week day service – short service of reflection Fort Augustus (1st Thursday at 11.30am)

Ecumenical Services

World Day of Prayer (First Friday in March)

Ecumenical ‘Songs of Praise’ on 1st December, Fort Augustus Parish Church at 7pm (Advent Sunday)

Songs of Praise on the occasion of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity ( January 18-25)

Worship Team

Worship is led by Rev Anthony Jones supported by Mrs Sonia Robbins (Congregational Worship Leader), Mr Cameron Donnelly (Congregational Worship Leader) and Ms Kathryn Sharples (Congregational Worship Leader).

If you would like to read on a Sunday, please get in touch. We are always looking for new volunteers.


Fort Augustus Church at 10am

Glengarry Church at 12pm




“It is important to remember the past,

it is a place we all return to,

not only in our long ago dreams,

in joy or pain

it is the only place we will all in time belong”


Rev Anthony Jones




“They shall grow not old as we who are left grow old,

Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn,

At the going down of the sun and in the morning,

we will remember them”

(Laurence Binyon)










“We plough the fields and scatter the good seed on the ground but, it is fed and watered by God’s almighty hand”



















Kilchuimen Primary School

Harvest Celebration


All of us remember being told to put our hands up in school if, we knew the answer to the question. At Church recently there was a guessing game for everyone about fruit and vegetables.

Well, “Hands up if you like this fruit?” was one of the questions. Kilchuimen Primary School gathered at Fort Augustus Church for their Harvest Assembly on Friday 23rd September.  A fun time was had by both parents and children at a thought provoking celebration. The children sang Harvest songs, talked about the Harvest season in Scotland and throughout the world and gave a short story about Harvest mice. Yvonne Walker, Depute Head, gave the welcome, David Peers stage managed the readings and music and Reverend Jones with the help of the children provided a short interactive message linking the fruits of the Harvest with sayings from the Bible. We were all reminded of those in need throughout the world and, the importance of sharing what we have with others. There was a very generous donation of food stuffs brought to church from the school which together with that gifted by the congregation at the Harvest Sunday service will be given to the Lochaber Foodbank at Fort William to share with families in need in the area.


Pictured are Harvest gifts of food donated by Fort Augustus Church together with Kilchuimen Primary School to the Lochaber Foodbank, Fort William

Thank You








On Sunday 25th September, Fort Augustus Parish Church held it’s Harvest Festival Service. The church was pleased to celebrate the gift of new life with a christening. In attendance with his parents Ruth and Brian for this very first special occasion was young Calvin James Ferguson.

Calvin was baptised in to the Church of Scotland at the family service and welcomed and, brought into the family of faith. Pictured is baby Calvin as Rev Anthony Jones, his parents and godparents introduced him to the congregation during the customary ‘perambulation’. Calvin’s name will be added to the Roll of names of all those who have been baptised at Fort Augustus Church. 






Glengarry Parish Church held their Harvest Festival Service on Sunday 2nd October. All was ‘safely gathered in’ as the congregation brought their gifts of food to Church to be donated to the Lochaber Foodbank. A full to overflowing wheelbarrow was brought to the front by Miles Jones during the singing of the hymn ‘Come Ye Thankful People Come‘. A traditional Harvest loaf was provided by the owners of the nearby Glengarry Castle Hotel. This was partly broken and shared during the church family celebration of Holy Communion conducted by Reverend Anthony Jones. Everyone joined in sharing tea and home baking following the service. Pictured are Miles with his sister Carys Jones.






Sunday 2nd October, 2022

The Church wishes to thank all those who attended the Church Gift Day and, all those who gave generously to the Church. This includes anonymous donations. The continued work, mission and ministry of the church depends on kindness and sharing. Let us give thanks for the continued witness of the Church in our community and, all the gifts received for this Gift Day. Thanks be to God for his many blessings to us.












At Glengarry Parish Church



On Easter Sunday, 17th April, during worship Glengarry Church was packed as the community came to give their support as Isabella ‘Bel’ Henderson and Philippa Maltby made their vows and were ordained and admitted as Elders to Glengarry Kirk Session by the Parish Minister, Reverend Anthony Jones. We congratulate them and send them our prayers and best wishes in their service as elders to the church. The service concluded with a family celebration of Holy Communion.



at Fort Augustus Parish Church



At the Easter Sunday family service at Fort Augustus Euan Grassie and Anne Mariner made their vows and were admitted as communicant members of the Church of Scotland. The Kirk Session and congregation welcome them both and give them our best wishes. Pictured are Anne and Euan with Rev Anthony Jones, the Parish Minister.











O Happy Day!

Little Bella Mary was so pleased to have Mum and Dad, Jess and Jordan Slater, her godparents and family around her for her special day. She was baptised at Tomdoun Church on Palm Sunday 10th April, 2022, by Reverend Anthony Jones. The little church was full as Bella Mary was welcomed in to the church family on her christening day.











“Beseech the Lord to send out workers in to his harvest”

Matthew 9. 38




The Great Glen churches’ missionary endeavour is reaching out with two Confirmation and Admission services recently conducted by our Parish Minister, Reverend Anthony Jones on Sunday 3rd October. At Morning Family Worship at 10am at Fort Augustus Church, Miles Jones was confirmed. At Glengarry Church at 12pm, Bill and Philippa Maltby, Brenda Matheson and Justin and Elizabeth Perkins were all confirmed as new members. The services also included a special celebration of Holy Communion. Congratulations to them all on their Confirmation and becoming full members of the Church of Scotland. We pray for them that they might be happy and blessed in the family of the church.


Thought for the month

Famous Sayings to meditate upon


“I believe for everyone who goes astray someone will come to show the way. I believe above the storm, the smallest prayer will still be heard. I believe that someone in the great somewhere hears every word. Everytime I hear a new born baby cry, or touch a leaf, or see the sky, then I know why, I believe!”


Al Stillman, Ervin Drake, Irvin Graham and Jimmy Shirl

Songwriters. Composed in 1952.

Most popular version of song by Frankie Laine



Wedding News Gallery




Congratulations to Dr Eoghan Farmer and Dr Mairi Walker whose marriage took place at Fort Augustus Church on Saturday 2nd October, 2021.



Laura Stewart and James Lindsay were married at Glengarry Church on Saturday 20th March, 2021. They both had a lovely day. We are pleased to include  a picture of their special day. 



Little Kyonn Ferguson was glad to have his mum and dad Ruth and Brian surrounded by all his family and friends on his recent Christening day on Sunday 26th September, 2021 at Fort Augustus Church. He is pictured here at his baptism and with his parents





The cafe meets every week at the Church Hall on Thursdays

between 10am and 12pm. 

Everyone welcome.

Teas and coffees will be available.

The teas will be brought to your table.

Contact for information or, if you would like to help at the Thursday cafe

Cath Fraser (tel: 366309) or email her at – cathfraser9@gmail.com

or, Lorraine Martin (tel: 366650) or email her at – lormartin@icloud.com









‘Were you there when they crucified my Lord’

The ‘witness of the flower cross weekend’ was again  repeated from Friday 14th to Sunday 17th April (Easter Sunday) 2022 and, for Eastertide.

The parishioners of Glengarry planted a cross in the grounds of the Parish Church on Good Friday. It remained for the day as a bare symbol to all who passed by – a potent reminder of the death of Jesus Christ. It also  sought to remind us of all those over the course of the past year entered in to suffering, who have suffered or have died as a result of the coronavirus. 

On Easter Saturday, 16th April and Easter Sunday 17th April,  however, in remembrance of the joyful resurrection of Jesus Christ, it was transformed into a beautiful flower cross. It then stood as a living sign of recovery in to new life, healing and promise for the future. Friends of the church were invited to plant their own flowers in to the frame of the cross while remaining socially distanced. 






at Fort Augustus



Sunday 14th November, 2021 was a day of crisp, Autumn sunshine and signalled the annual Act of Remembrance for the fallen in two world wars, past conflicts and all those victims of war still suffering around the globe. Members of the community gathered at Fort Augustus War Memorial and Invergarry War Memorial. The Royal British Legion led the procession to Canalside which included members of the armed forces, the police force, and both the fire and ambulance service. Reverend Anthony Jones, F.R.S.A., Parish Minister conducted the service. The poignant 2 minutes silence was followed by the lament which was played by piper Colin Sidley and wreaths were layed by representatives of the services present and the community. 



“And immediately they left their nets and followed him”

General Assembly of the Church of Scotland 2022

This year’s deliverances and reports may be found on the website pages: churchofscotland.org.uk




Sunday 26th September, 2021





Lochaber Presbytery On Line Worship

A shared programme of worship was recorded for Good Friday compiled by the Ministers, OLM’s, Readers and members of Presbytery to bring you the blessings of all our church communities may be viewed ‘on line’at www.lochaber.presbytery.org/uk/worship  

 Share it now with your family and friends for inspirational music, discussion, bible teaching and hope for the future!

Please do visit the Presbytery website for regular up to date news of what is happening in the area. The site is very informative and provides ‘links’ to on line worship



The Great Glen Churches are currently open for worship. No restrictions apply. The Minister continues to receive advice from the Church of Scotland and the Government regarding updates.
Regular services are being held and continue on a weekly basis.


Pastoral Care

Please note hospital visiting is unfortunately, not possible under current guidelines. Please speak to the Minister (tel: 01320 366210) or an elder if there is a special need. Pastoral phone call discussions can always be arranged at a convenient time. If you are ‘on line’ you can keep in touch by email.



Details of all forthcoming services will be found here on the church website pages.




Fort Augustus Parish Church

We welcome you to our services

Every Sunday

Sunday Family Service

at 12pm


Join us for a service with singing, music, bible readings, contemplative prayer, and  a message  for the season.


Enquiries regarding visiting the church for worship please contact: Cath Fraser – cathfraser9@gmail.com




We welcome you to our services

Every Sunday

Sunday Family Service at 10am


Welcome to our church for a shared time in fellowship together. Sunday services include a quiet time for prayer, singing, music and Bible readings and a seasonal message from the Minister.

Enquiries for visiting church for worship please contact: Sonia Robbins (Session Clerk) – soniarobbins06@gmail.com 



Following advice from the Scottish Government the churches are now open to the public. The wearing of face masks is no longer compulsory and worship has recommenced every Sunday. Baptism, Wedding, and Funeral services are now possible at the Great Glen Churches without previous building capacity restriction. Please contact the Minister: Rev Anthony Jones if, in need of assistance – Ajones@churchofscotland.org.uk 



The Great Glen Churches of Fort Augustus and Glengarry are open every Sunday for morning services of worship. We do hope you will join us as we gather together to give thanks and share Bible teaching, music, prayers and sing!

The churches are currently open on week days during daylight hours. On visiting,  please remember to sign the visitors book.  You are welcome to spend a quiet time in reflection or prayer. The congregations and their church buildings are a ‘living’ and vibrant witness of  the presence of Christianity in the communities of the Great Glen for generations. When we gather together every week in these cherished places our faith truly comes alive. We pray you will experience something of the joy and peace of Christ as you continue to walk with Him.


My prayers and best wishes to you all,

Rev Anthony Jones (Parish Minister)






At the present there are still restrictions in place guiding hospital and home visits. The Great Glen Churches are operating ‘post church’. This means that if you are ‘on line’ as a member or adherent you will automatically receive regular newsletters from the Parish Minister. This can include a pastoral message and prayer resources. Most importantly you can be kept abreast of all the latest news regarding anticipated services at the churches. If you have not received a copy of the ‘Minister’s Newsletter’ on line and you would like your email to be added to the regular circular list please send a message to Reverend Anthony who will be pleased to add your details email address at: Ajones@churchofscotland.org.uk . If you are not on line and would like a ‘hard’ copy posted through your door this also can be arranged.

Please contact the Session Clerk if you would like the elders to post you a ‘hard’ copy, Cath Fraser (Fort Augustus) cathfraser9@gmail.com or, Sonia Robbins (Glengarry) soniarobbins06@gmail.com. 







A Notice outside our Church to the Community


“Spirit of God come dwell within me,

open my heart O, Come set me free”


The Moderator of the General Assembly, the Rt Rev Dr Martin Fair has sent a mailing to all Presbytery Clerks, Ministers , OLM’s and Readers recommending that everyone within the Church of Scotland considers finding out more about ‘try praying’. I encourage you to read the materials and use the resources on the ‘try praying‘ website. The information provided by ‘try praying’ recommends a seven day approach with material to help aid you. A structure is always helpful to our prayer life (otherwise it is apt to stray away and life passes us by) in times of worry, anxiety, stress, distraction and misdirection. There are very few organisations committed to upholding the nation’s prayer life. I would urge you to ‘click’ on the site. As the Moderator states, I hope that ‘it may be a blessing to the whole church at this time’.

Rev Anthony Jones





Why not consider booking your wedding at the beautiful churches of Fort Augustus or Glengarry in 2022/23? The Minister will be happy to plan forward and discuss your date. You may have been thinking about marrying later in the year. Weddings are already being booked in the church diary for 2023. We invite you to consider planning your marriage and to  sharing your big day together with us in 2022 or 2023. Please do contact the Minister to arrange a suitable time for your special day.

Contact: Rev Anthony Jones

tel: 01320 366210







 It is always important to keep in touch with each other. The Church cares for every one of its members, adherents and our friends in the communities of Fort Augustus and Invergarry. 

Among the things we do as a Church is maintain ongoing contact. The Minister is available to talk at any time.  If you are in need of any special help or, in an emergency, you can also ring the Manse or may send an email if, you wish to make an arrangement for him to phone you at a specific time. The Minister and the elders are casting the net wide to strengthen this chain of communication. We are here to listen and to help you. We seek to uphold each other in our thoughts and prayers and by vital communication.


Rev Anthony Jones tel: 01320 366210





Christmas in the Great Glen

Untitled Untitled 1

 Details of all the forthcoming Christmas and New Year services will be found by a ‘click’ on the Diary page of the churches website




Could 2023 be THE year for YOU?

Maybe you are attending church but have never quite made the big step or perhaps you feel yourself on the edge of the local church and seriously would like to consider being a member……




 Confirmation 2023

The Minister is now inviting new communicants to join in  becoming church members at Fort Augustus and Glengarry.

Please contact him (tel: 01320 366210) or simply email at Ajones@churchofscotland.org.uk  or, speak to the Session Clerk or any elder at church if, you feel you would like to take this important step in your life of faith.



Library Pictures 




3rd & 4th JULY, 2019 

Mad Hatter's Presentation Kilchuimen Schools 2019

Pictured is Rev Jones making the presentation at the School Prizegiving Ceremony to Ms Maria Frances Gibbons (Headteacher: Kilchuimen Academy) & Mrs Yvonne Walker (Headteacher: Kilchuimen Primary School)





(for a fuller gallery of the ‘Heroes’ Holiday Club see the slideshow on

the  ‘Great Glen Churches News’ page)



“Praying always”

All churches are spaces for prayer. Fort Augustus Church is developing a new ‘prayer space’ set apart. As you enter the door of the Church building to your left, there is a comfortable seated area for quiet personal reflection at any time during the day. Petitions for specific prayer may be left in the prayer box provided or may be left on the table. A short service is held on the first Thursday of every month at 11.30am to which you are also warmly invited. Please do come along. We are praying for you.

Prayer is the soul’s sincere desire”

During normal times (outside ‘lock down’ restrictions) the Great Glen churches welcome you and are open for worship every Sunday morning and Tomdoun monthly. Fort Augustus church is open during the day all year round to visitors. Week day morning service is held on the second Thursday of every month at 11.30am. Glengarry church is open daily during the Summer months. Please remember that the churches of the Great Glen are beautiful churches and are very special places of prayer cherished by the local communities and by all who come here from all over the world. Do come and experience for yourself the unique atmosphere of peace and tranquility that are to be found here at Fort Augustus and Glengarry churches. You may wish to spend some time quietly or offer a private prayer. At Fort Augustus there is a place set aside for private reflection in the ‘prayer corner’. There is also a prayer box for you to place any special petitions you may have into at the back of the church. Take time also to sign the visitors book in the churches before you leave.

Church Services

Service times alternate between both congregations and change every 4 months:

January – April 2019 Fort Augustus (10 am) Invergarry (12 noon)

May – August 2019 Fort Augustus (12 noon) Invergarry (10am)

September – December 2019 Fort Augustus (10am) Invergarry (12 noon)

Service at Tomdoun: second Sunday of each month at 3pm

Monthly week day service – short service of reflection Fort Augustus (1st Thursday at 11.30am)

Ecumenical Services

World Day of Prayer (First Friday in March)

Ecumenical ‘Songs of Praise’ on 1st December, Fort Augustus Parish Church at 7pm (Advent Sunday)

Songs of Praise on the occasion of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity ( January 18-25)

Worship Team

Worship is led by Rev Anthony Jones supported by Mrs Sonia Robbins (Congregational Worship Leader), Mr Cameron Donnelly (Congregational Worship Leader) and Ms Kathryn Sharples (Congregational Worship Leader).

If you would like to read on a Sunday, please get in touch. We are always looking for new volunteers.

Immanuel Kant, German Philosopher