Parish Minister:
Rev Anthony M. Jones, F.R.S.A.,The Manse, Fort William Road, Fort Augustus, PH32 4BH : 01320 366210

Induction Sunday at Glengarry Parish Church:
Rev George Whyte, Principal Clerk of the Church of Scotland who preached Rev Anthony Jones in to his new parishes.
Reverend George and Reverend Anthony are both pictured following Reverend Anthony’s inaugural services at Fort Augustus and Glengarry on Sunday 4th February, 2018.
Session Clerks:
Fort Augustus: Mrs Catherine Fraser, 01320 366309; cathfraser9(at)
Glengarry: Mrs Sonia Robbins, 01809 501353;
Fort Augustus Mrs Fran Mansell (Acting) 01320 366267 pandaplip(at)
Glengarry Please contact Neville Robbins if you have any queries regarding church finances;
Music Ranald MacKenzie (Organist at Invergarry): rdfmackenzie(at)
Kathryn Sharples (Organist and Choir Conductor at Fort Augustus): kathryn.sharples(at)
Kilchuimen Community Choir meet every Wednesday for practise in the Church Hall at 7pm. Members are from all around the local area.
If you enjoy singing for fun please do contact Kathryn who will be interested to hear from you.
Brownie Pack. To find out more please contact: Lisa Gordon tel: 07584119221 email:
Heritage Group meets first Monday of the month September to May 2pm to 4pm in the Church Hall. A wide range of interesting speakers and subjects. Please contact Lynne tel: 366262 for more information
Film Club in the Church Hall. International, classic and up to date family film presentations are held periodically (usually the second Friday of the month) with special films at Christmas and Easter. Watch out as these are advertised locally.