Sunday 2nd October, 2022

The Church wishes to thank all those who attended the Church Gift Day and, all those who gave generously to the Church. This includes anonymous donations. The continued work, mission and ministry of the church depends on kindness and sharing. Let us give thanks for the continued witness of the Church in our community and, all the gifts received for this Gift Day. Thanks be to God for his many blessings to us.


Support Us
There are different ways of supporting the two congregations of the Great Glen. Financially there is the offering on Sunday morning during Sunday worship, regular support by setting up a standing order, and practical support by supporting occasional fundraisers.

Please get in touch with the treasurers if you would like to support the congregations or with the minister or session clerks if you would like to volunteer.



‘The Lord loves (and rewards) a cheerful giver’

2 Corinthians 9.7

We are glad to announce we are open again. If you are unable to attend, please put on one side each week the offering you would normally place in the plate offering at the Sunday morning service and bring it with you next time or, please hand it to the Treasurer or a Church Elder. If you have not made an arrangement already you can also set up a regular gift offering by standing order at the local bank to ‘Fort Augustus Parish Church’ or ‘Glengarry Parish Church’. The Church is still there for you.  Prayers are offered daily for everyone. We are there to provide support in times of illness and bereavement. The Minister is happy to chat over the phone or meet with anyone in the community who is in need. Weddings are currently being arranged at the moment, it is possible to plan these in advance at either Fort Augustus or Glengarry churches for dates in the future. Baptisms are being conducted and can be arranged during Sunday worship. The Church always depends upon generous giving to help cover the practical overheads to keep it functioning as the ‘historic Christian hub’ at the centre of every community. Especially at this time, we ask that you continue to keep your weekly offerings and bring them to church each time we meet for Sunday services. Thank you for your continued faithfulness and generosity at all times.

Keep well and keep safe,

‘God bless you all’

Rev Anthony Jones

Church of Scotland Manse, Fort Augustus
tel: 01320 366210


Saturday 16th June, 2018

Mad Hatter’s Gallery……..

see if you can find yourself in the gallery!

mad hatters 1 mh4 
mh5                                                                                                                     Thank You!

Thursday Cafe

Every Thursday, we invite you to come along for tea, coffee, biscuits, baking and a chat at Fort Augustus Church Hall between 10am and 12pm. Donations to Church work in the community.

photo-1421986527537-888d998adb74Christian Aid

Please come along and join us during Christian Aid week for themed services on Sunday and other activities.

Lochaber Food Bank
The congregations of Fort Augustus and Glengarry are supporting the local foodbank. Twice per year we collect non-perishable food and bring it to Fort William where it is distributed.
Our local voucher issuers are:
Christine MacLennan, Jenny Thurston
Please do not hesitate to get in touch either to support the foodbank or to access help for either yourself or someone you know.

Highland Hospice
We support the Highland Hospice in Inverness, a place where life can be lived to the full until the very end.
Contact: Mrs Doreen Burridge.