Service Times
Service time alternate between both congregations and change every 4 months:
September – December 2022 Glengarry (10am) Fort Augustus (!2pm)
January – April 2023 Fort Augustus (10am) Glengarry (12pm)
Times for Prayer
The church at Fort Augustus is always open for quiet private prayer and reflection. Times of prayer are also held regularly including a short Reflective Service on the first Thursday of every month at 11.30am in the prayer space at the back of the church and every Wednesday at 11am Mother’s Prayers are held in the church vestry. Everyone welcome.
Ecumenical Services:
World Day of Prayer (First Friday in March)
Songs of Praise on the occasion of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Worship Team
Worship is led by the Rev Anthony Jones, the Parish Minister. Other members of the worship team are Mrs Sonia Robbins (Congregational Worship Leader), Mr Cameron Donnelly (Congregational Worship Leader) and Ms Kathryn Sharples.
If you would like to read on a Sunday, please get in touch. We are always looking for new volunteers.